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Obsession and Surrender (The Billionaire's Temptation Book 7) Page 11
Obsession and Surrender (The Billionaire's Temptation Book 7) Read online
Page 11
Wyatt handed him a whiskey, and then popped the top off a bottle of cider for Lilly. Looked like his brother hadn’t forgotten what she liked either. Luckily, Keane knew whose bed she’d be sleeping in, and was able to set aside Wyatt’s teasing, knowing it wasn’t anything more serious.
“So, what’s going on? Not that I’m not happy to see you guys. It’s just rather unexpected.” Wyatt sat down in the leather club chair next to them, stretching out his long legs in front of him. He might be younger than Keane by a year, but he was a good two inches taller. And that was saying something, given that Keane himself was several inches over six feet.
“Lilly has a stalker—and we think Dylan West is somehow involved.” Keane told him everything—Lilly being an author, the emails, the escalation, Sirius leaving her flowers on her pillow. “I just figured it might be best if we took off for a bit.”
“That fucking asshole…I’m going to fucking kill him.” Wyatt’s hands clenched into fists, and he looked ready for murder.
“Get in line. That bastard is mine.” Keane pulled Lilly close, worried about her. “Although our first priority is to keep Lilly safe. We keep her safe, find that fucking demented asshole, and put an end to this.”
Lilly sat up out of Keane’s arms, dividing her scolding glare between him and Wyatt. “And who the hell’s going to keep the two of you safe if you go after this guy? We don’t even know who he is—because he’s not Dylan—and that means that we don’t know what he’s capable of. I refuse to have the two of you putting yourselves in danger because you want revenge—especially when that revenge is mine, not yours. Do you hear me? And it’ll be my decision whether or not to exact it. I won’t have you guys doing something stupid or putting yourselves in danger because of it.”
“Baby girl…” When he went to grab her hand, she slapped it away, making him smile, her feistiness just one of the many things he loved about her.
“No. Don’t you ‘baby girl’ me, Keane.” Lilly shook her head, splitting her glare between Keane and Wyatt. “The two of you are to behave yourselves. It’s bad enough trouble has a way of finding us without you guys going and looking for it.”
Keane had no intention of making promises he couldn’t keep, especially not to Lilly. His lies and betrayal had fucked up their relationship once, and though he had no intention of screwing up again, that didn’t mean he’d stand idly by and let someone harass her, especially if the man who’d assaulted her was involved.
Luckily Wyatt saved him by changing the subject. “So…you write bodice rippers now?”
Keane supposed he was relieved that Wyatt hadn’t known about her career either. Not that he was really jealous. Just crazy about Lilly.
Lilly’s eyebrows perked up and her lips pursed in subdued humor. “Contemporary and paranormal romances—not bodice rippers.”
“Now, that’s not terribly accurate. Is it, babe?” Addressing Wyatt, he said, “Try outrageously hot and explicit romances—which you are not to read.”
“Hey…now that’s not fair.” Wyatt leaned back with a teasing smile for Lilly, and took a long sip of his whiskey. “How long are you guys staying in town?”
“As long as it takes to lock up this asshole and eliminate any other threats.” Because if Dylan was the one behind Lilly being stalked, then he needed to be held accountable and it needed to come to a stop. Keane needed to know Lilly would be safe.
“Well, your timing for a visit couldn’t be any more perfect. The club is opening this weekend.” Wyatt was all but vibrating with excitement about his project—something he’d been working on diligently for the last year.
“I’m fucking proud of you, Wyatt. You’ve busted your ass to get this done.” And he’d done it alone, too.
“It hasn’t been without its problems, but it feels good to finally have it completed.” There was more worry in his voice than Keane was expecting to hear, and it left him wondering just what sort of problems Wyatt had encountered. “It looks fucking amazing.”
Lilly gave Wyatt a smile while settling against Keane’s side. “So…what kind of club is this?”
Keane just had to shake his head with a smile. “The sort of club you write about in your books.”
Her jaw dropped open and she spun to face Wyatt with a sly grin. “You dirty dog.”
“Guilty as charged, love.”
Keane knew he couldn’t keep Lilly locked up inside until they’d caught Sirius, but being out and about as they walked around Dublin with the bustling crowds of people had him on edge. Sirius could walk right by them—could be following them—and they wouldn’t know it, since they still didn’t have any clue as to who he was or what he looked like.
Without having to say a word to Wyatt, his brother flanked Lilly’s other side, so she was protected as Keane kept her tucked in close. They might be taking up a fair bit of the sidewalk walking three abreast, not to mention looking rather formidable given his and Wyatt’s height and build, but he didn’t care, if it kept her safe. “Where are we heading, Wyatt? Are you taking us to the club for a sneak peek before we grab dinner?”
“Nah…I want you to see it in all its glory when it’s hopping with people this weekend. We’ll just grab a bite and head out for a pint. It is Dublin, after all.” Wyatt had lived in the city for a few years now, and he steered them through the streets like a native.
Maybe it was the amount of people zipping past them or the unfamiliarity of his surroundings, but Keane was starting to feel tense, his gaze wandering over the crowds and glancing over his shoulder. He’d feel a hell of a lot less tense if Wyatt would just sit them down somewhere for a bite.
“Everything okay?” Lilly looked up at him, worry darkening her green eyes in the fading light of the setting sun, as the sky behind her streaked in coral and sapphire.
He leaned over and kissed her, not wanting her to worry or ruin her evening. “It’s nothing, love. Just keeping an eye out, is all.”
“This is it—hands down, my favorite place to grab a bite. The food is to die for, though it’s more comfort than gourmet.” Wyatt held the door open for them, allowing Lilly to enter first—which gave him the opportunity to catch Keane’s attention, a questioning and worried look on his face, as if asking if there was an imminent threat.
Keane shrugged in response, because the truth was, he hadn’t a clue if Sirius had somehow managed to follow them to Dublin. The thought of something happening to Lilly again, the thought that he might not be able to keep her safe, was messing with his head. As if understanding exactly what he was going through, Wyatt put a hand on Keane’s shoulder, and then followed behind Lilly as they were seated at a table in the front of the restaurant with a great view of the bustling city as night fell.
Of course, Wyatt was already on a first-name basis with the pretty waitress, turning on the charm and shamelessly flirting with her. Once she had gone to get them their drinks, and they’d been left with menus to browse, Keane couldn’t help but shake his head at his brother. “You’re hopeless.”
Wyatt balked in protest. “What? Maire’s pretty; I’m single. Sexy. Rich. In demand…”
“And you’ll never change.” Keane pulled Lilly close, happy that they were seated in a booth—and even happier that she was his once more. He’d found his one, his true love, and scary as it was to have her be his everything, he knew all too well what life was like without her, and it wasn’t a life worth living.
“I might change—if I find the right girl.” Wyatt gave Lilly his most dazzling smile, though Keane knew he was doing it just to push his buttons.
Maire returned with their drinks, and though she was still smiling at Wyatt, her focus had also shifted to Lilly, looking at her for a moment, and then looking back at her again, practically staring, though it was clear she was trying not to. “Bleedin’ Nora… It is you. I can’t believe it. Piper Skye…I swear, I’m your biggest fan and I’ve read every single one of your books a dozen times. Those men of yours…sweet
mother of jeezus.”
While Lilly and the waitress chatted away happily, Wyatt caught Keane’s attention, his eyes wide in disbelief and a grin on his face. All Keane could do was laugh with a shake of his head. “Believe it or not, they’re fantastic reads, and it makes no difference that they’re romances.”
Maire pulled out her phone. “Would you mind if I got a picture of us together? My friends…they won’t believe it. They’re going to be so jealous.”
When Lilly nodded, Wyatt was handed the phone as the two women stood together, and smiled for the camera. Maire then took their order, still beaming with excitement, before leaving them to take care of her other customers.
“So…” Wyatt was still looking shocked with dismay and humor, his brows up and a smile teasing his lips. “You’re not just an author, but a famous author of steamy romances.”
Lilly sat back and gave Wyatt a teasing smile. “Far from famous—and far more than just steamy.”
Wyatt burst out laughing and shot Keane a jealous look. “Damn, girl!”
Chapter 19
Lilly had spent the last week locked away in Wyatt’s office, writing like a crazy fiend. But with her book finally done, she couldn’t be happier as she sent it off to her editor. Now she could go to the opening of Wyatt’s club, and not have to worry about her deadlines, though she still had to catch up on her emails and social media.
Dragging her laptop over to where Keane was hanging out with Wyatt, she plopped herself down next to him, her brain fried from the intense focus of the last week. “I’ve been using the new email you set up for me for most stuff, but I still need to access the accounts I use for my readers.”
“And your stalker.” Keane let out a sigh. “Let me double-check with Hadley, to see if she can route you through an untraceable network, just to be on the safe side.”
It didn’t take long for Hadley to send him access to a secure network which would filter her location. Keane finished up and handed her back her laptop as she gave him a peck on his cheek. “You’re the best.”
“Let me know if Sirius has sent you anything else. I’m still worried he’s going to show up and do something crazy.” Keane cupped the back of her neck and pulled her close, his head bent to hers as he stole a kiss and made her pulse race, even if Wyatt was right there to witness it.
“I still can’t believe you have a stalker, Lilly. But we’re going to do everything we can to keep you safe.” Wyatt’s determination and protectiveness was so much like Keane’s, she couldn’t help but feel loved—and protected. “I swear it.”
“I might write fiction, but you guys are the real thing—totally hero-worthy. And I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me.” She couldn’t imagine trying to deal with all of this on her own—especially when the police didn’t seem vested in finding Sirius. She’d have been stuck dealing with it all by herself, with no one to turn to and no one to help her.
And then she logged in to one of her social media accounts. “Fuck…”
When Keane reached over, she handed him her laptop, his cursing immediate. “No… This is a problem, Lilly. We need to pack up. Get going. Now.”
She’d been tagged in a post—Maire had posted the picture of the two of them online and tagged her in it, their location there for everyone to see. “I’ll ask her to take it down. I’m sure she would, Keane.”
“Except that it was posted online over five days ago.” Keane shook his head and handed her back her laptop. “We can’t stay. It’s too dangerous and I refuse to let that fucking maniac get his hands on you.”
“But…” She felt defeated once more, like she’d never escape this nightmare. “Wait—what about the people who’ve viewed it? Can Hadley find out if one of them is Sirius? Maybe it’ll help her figure out who it is—or if he’s even seen it.”
“Maybe—but we’re still going. I’m not taking any chances, Lil. Not when it comes to you.” Keane cupped her cheek and kissed her. “I’m sorry. I know this can’t be easy on you, but we’ll figure this out. We’ll find him.”
“Where will we go this time, Keane—and the time after that? I can’t just keep running. And you should be here for Wyatt’s opening.” The last thing she wanted was to interfere with Keane’s life any more than she already had. “I can’t have you on the run, abandoning your life.”
“This isn’t up for discussion. No fucking way.” Keane looked ready to shake her until she came around to his way of thinking—and when that failed, he looked ready to tie her up in a neat little bundle and kidnap her off to some private island in the middle of nowhere.
“Keane…I know you care—and I know you’re worried. But we don’t know if he’s seen the post, and frankly, we can’t just keep running.” Squeezing his hand, she pleaded with him, not wanting to argue, especially when she knew he was just trying to protect her. “Can’t we just wait to see what Hadley has to say? She’s got to be close to finding Sirius.”
“Any emails from him?” Keane didn’t look like he was going to budge an inch, and she knew damn well what he was trying to do by having her check email. He just wanted to prove to her that Sirius was insane and that he was tracking her, that Dublin was no longer safe.
She shook her head, trying to stay calm. “You’re not going to scare me.”
He let out a deep breath, anger and frustration lining his face. “Then that’s a fucking problem, Lilly. Because you should be scared. Fucking terrified.”
His words unleashed a tsunami of emotion, tears stinging her eyes as everything she’d been trying to hold onto, trying to hold back, just got to be too much. “Fine. You want to hear that I’m scared—well, I am. Of course it’d be easy for me to lock myself away, to run, after what he put me through. But I refuse to let fear dictate and rule my life—and I won’t let them win. Not Sirius, and not Dylan.”
By the time her tears spilled over, her entire body was shaking. Keane set aside her laptop and pulled her into his arms, sitting back with her cradled against him as he held her tight. Wyatt quietly excused himself, clearly wanting to give them some privacy, and for that she was grateful. The last thing she wanted was for him to see her when she was such a mess, especially when he knew what Dylan had done to her.
“Lilly…I get it. I really do.” He kissed the top of her head, and ran a gentle hand down her back, his touch soothing her. “But this is different. This has been escalating, and I can’t take that sort of risk.”
“Please…just check in with Hadley. And if need be, we can leave in the morning—after Wyatt’s opening. I just want one more night of freedom, of not having to worry, before we’re on the run again.” It was a big night for Wyatt, and she didn’t want to ruin it for him.
“Lilly…” He let out a sigh, but when she looked up at him and wiped her tears away, she saw him relent. “I’ll check in with Hadley again and update her on the latest, and then get everything ready for us to go in the morning. But if it’s not safe to go to the club tonight, then we’re staying in.”
“I can live with that.”
“It might not be safe for me to go out, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay with me, Keane. This is a big night for Wyatt, and you have to be there for him, especially after he spent the last year preparing for this day.” Lilly desperately wanted to go with him, but it just wasn’t going to happen. Hadley called to say it was too risky, though she was sure she was quickly closing in on Sirius.
“I refuse to leave you here just to go to a club, Lil. That’s fucking insane.” Keane shook his head in frustration as he ran his hands up her arms to cup her face, bending his head to hers to steal a kiss. “And this might be a big night for Wyatt, but he understands. The last thing he’d want is to risk something happening to you.”
“I just hate this. I feel like I’m ruining this for him.” She breathed in Keane’s masculine scent, already so familiar once more, as a pulse of need shot straight to her core.
“You’re far more important—
and Wyatt knows that. He wouldn’t want you sitting here alone—nor would he want to put you in danger. And I promise, I won’t let you get bored.” He bit her bottom lip and kissed her, his tongue finding hers as his body pressed her against the back of the sofa, making it impossible for her to ignore his hard length. Wyatt had left hours earlier to make sure everything was ready at the club for the opening, even though it had all been set up and ready to go for days, not wanting to leave anything until the last minute.
“You never let me get bored—but that’s not the issue.” She ran her hands down his back as she trailed kisses and bites down his neck, his stubble rough against her skin, his scent stronger from his sexy aftershave so she could think of nothing but him taking her, stripping her naked and fucking her.
“This will all be over soon—and then it’ll just be the two of us. We’ll be free to do what we want, free to be happy, although if you think we’re not going to live together once this is over, you can guess again. Once we’re back, it’s going to be me, you, and the pup—one big happy family.” As he spoke, he trailed his hands down her back to cup her ass, his hard length pressing against her heat, making her hips rock against him in response.
She bit back the needy moan that wanted to escape, her hips still shifting in search of some relief. “Keep that up, and you’ll have me agreeing to anything you want if you promise to fuck me.”
“Really?” He pulled back enough to look at her and cup her cheek, his mood shifting from seductive to serious. “So if I asked you to marry me, you’d say yes?”
That was the last thing she’d expected him to say. “Keane…you can’t be serious. It’s only been a few weeks.”
“No—it’s been years. Because for the time that we were apart, you’ve been my only thought, you’ve been my constant—and I know that you’re my only one. There’s no one else—there never will be.” He shifted and pulled out a gorgeous diamond ring, sparkling like a million stars as it caught the light. “Not exactly what I had planned, but I love you, Lilly. Marry me…”