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A Highland Heist A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Three Page 3
A Highland Heist A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Three Read online
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Rowan laughed. “Don’t go blaming me. I’m not the one letting her escape. And at least this way, Conall knows where to find her.”
Angus tilted his head. “Speak of the devil.”
Conall approached while scanning the room, his brow furrowed. Maggie had to wonder if it was permanent, though there was no doubt having to come to dinner with a large crowd wasn’t helping his mood. He looked like the type to avoid socializing at all cost. “Hey.”
“A man of many words.” Rowan teased Conall with a smile jumping to her lips as he glared at her.
“No point in yammering.” He flicked a glance in Maggie’s direction as if accusing her of just that.
Maggie barked out a laugh. “That would be me then, aye? Yeah, I know I seldom shut me gob, but that’s because I like ye. If I ever stop talking, that’s when ye know you’re in trouble and need to worry. Won’t say I don’t have a wee bit of a temper, but at least I’ll warn ye.”
It was almost as if he were fighting to hold back the hint of a smile that seemed to tug at his lips. “Lucky me.”
“Damn right-and don’t ye be forgetting it either.” Her eyes narrowed to a stare, though she hoped he saw the humor there.
Rowan’s smile widened as she gave Conall a look, while linking her arm with Angus’s. “We should go check in on Cat and Iain. If you’ll excuse us.”
“I like them-they’re good together.” Maggie watched them go; though having played match-maker herself on more than one occasion, she suspected their departure was a ploy to leave her and Conall alone together. Not that it was going to happen. Andrew approached, and there was no way to escape without being rude.
“You look lovely tonight, Maggie.” Andrew all but ignored Conall, his gaze focused on her.
“Thanks. Have ye met?” She linked a hand around Conall’s arm, flicking him a silent plea with her eyes. Maybe Andrew would let up if he thought she was dating someone. “Conall, this is Andrew. Andrew, Conall.”
“The computer guy, right?” Andrew looked from her to Conall, and then, as if dismissing Conall as not being a worthy rival, refocused his attention back on Maggie-not that Conall was one to be easily dismissed.
“Aye, the computer guy. And…I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with what it is ye do.” Conall covered her hand with his, his gaze landing casually on Andrew, as if he were of no real consequence-and certainly no threat.
He pinned Conall with a look of annoyance. “I’m the foreman. I’m running the project.”
“The construction end, aye? Wouldn’t know much about that part of the project, I’m afraid. Security is my specialty-just like Maggie here. Speaking of which…” He gave her a rare smile. “I’d like to discuss those plans if ye have a moment.”
“That would be perfect-I’ve been meaning to speak to ye about that.” She turned back to Andrew. “If ye’ll excuse us.”
Conall escorted her away from Andrew and to a more private part of the room, not far from the fireplace. Once they were alone, he let her arm slip free and turned to face her, his voice kept low. “Do ye want to tell me what the hell that was about?”
Her shoulders slumped as she let out a deep breath. “It’s nothing really. He’s been lingering and trying to get friendly, and doesn’t seem to get that I’m not interested. I’m sorry that I grabbed your arm to keep him at bay.”
“Well, I’m not sure he’ll be leaving ye alone now that ye’ve made it a competition between us.” He ran a rough hand through his hair and shook his head. “I don’t need this sort of complication, Maggie.”
“Look, I’m sorry to involve ye. It was a mistake. I got desperate and was just hoping he’d go away since I still need to work with him, and he’s clearly not picking up on my subtle clues. Or he’s ignoring them.” What a pain in the arse. She shouldn’t have involved Conall. “I’ll make it right and come clean with Andrew.”
He shook his head, his gaze wandering before settling back on her. “Don’t worry about it, aye? I don’t like men who think they can pester women into dating them, and worse still, they don’t tend to give up so easily. Seen too much of that with my younger sister and have little tolerance for it. But payback’s a bitch, aye? I’ll be expecting ye to take Piper for regular runs.” Another smile-and damn if it didn’t send her heartbeat thrumming.
“Does this mean ye’ll actually pretend to be involved with me to keep him at bay?” He couldn’t possibly mean it.
Conall shrugged. “For now.”
Chapter Four
Conall was sure he’d soon regret his decision to get involved, but he didn’t like it when guys got pushy or insistent with women. Even now, with Maggie on his arm as they mingled with the other guests, Andrew’s gaze still searched her out. He just hoped he wouldn’t regret his decision to participate in this absurd charade. With luck, it’d be enough to make Andrew rethink the attention he’d been giving Maggie-or so he hoped.
He could easily suffer worse fates than spending time with the lass. He liked her, even if he hated to admit it. Not that he’d be pursuing anything with her.
He’d seen far too many relationships ruin good people, and though he may have thought he’d be able to escape such a fate when he’d been younger, he’d been proved wrong. He didn’t need to get his heart broken more than once to know it wasn’t an experience he wanted to repeat. And frankly, he liked his life the way it was. He was set in his ways and the last thing he wanted was someone getting in his way and annoying him-someone who’d wake him up at six a.m.
So he’d play along for now and happily work by her side, but that was it.
Dinner was uneventful, other than the looks he was getting from Angus, Rowan, and Iain. Though once they moved to the library, it became clear that Andrew had yet to give up. The moment Conall left her side to get her a drink, Andrew sidled up to her-and he was ambushed by Rowan and Angus.
“Not a word from either of ye, aye? I’m in no mood.” Conall knew they’d be curious as to what was happening between him and Maggie, but the last thing he wanted was to discuss a relationship that didn’t exist.
“Och, now, ye don’t really think we’d see ye cavorting with the pretty lass and not question ye about it? Especially when we thought the two of ye were single.” Angus’s lips twitched with humor, his blue eyes narrowing as he smiled.
“Well, I’m not buying it.” Rowan smirked, her red hair aflame as it caught the firelight.
“Suit yerself. Now if ye’ll excuse me, this conversation is over.” Conall ignored their amused looks, and headed to Maggie in a futile attempt to save her.
Andrew looked like he had turned up the charm, smiling and leaning towards her, but Maggie was just standing there, a stiff smile on her lips, clearly humoring the man and far from enamored. Could he really be so clueless? Even a blind man could see she wasn’t interested and was starting to lose her patience. No doubt it would have happened long ago if it wasn’t for the fact that she’d need to continue working with the man.
Conall slipped to Maggie’s side, his mood serious as he took Andrew in, and she turned the man down again.
“I’m afraid most of nights are spent preparing what I’ll need for the job on the following day. I don’t have a whole lot of time to myself, and what little time I do have, I’ll be spending with Conall. He’s promised to show me the latest in computer security and programming.” She reached out and took Conall’s hand, giving it a squeeze and tossing him a sultry smile that had his pulse jumping despite knowing it was nothing but a ruse. Her gaze lingered on him before slowly turning towards Andrew, as if she didn’t want to look away. “Isn’t that sweet of him to share his trade secrets?”
“Yeah-if you’re into that sort of thing.” Andrew looked over at Conall, smug. “Not exactly how I’d show a woman a good time.”
Conall cocked his head, taking Andrew in. “I have no doubt-which is why she’s with me.” It was turning into a pissing match. Bloody hell. “If ye’ll excuse us.”
With their hands
still linked, he escorted her away to a more private part of the library where they would, hopefully, be left alone. Before he could say anything, Maggie turned to face him, closing the distance between them.
“I’m so sorry to drag ye into this. This is only getting worse. Look, I’ll deal with him on my own.” Her brow was furrowed and her eyes had clouded over, refusing to look at him. “I should have never gotten ye involved.”
Frankly, it pissed him off that some arse had gotten her this upset, or that it was even necessary for her to go to such measures. She’d turned Andrew down repeatedly-it should be more than enough to get it through his thick skull that she wasn’t interested. “Ye can try to deal with it on yer own, but I doubt it’ll do ye much good. He sees ye as a challenge, and I doubt he’ll let up. As for not involving me, it’s a bit too late for that, aye? And if I’m going to be dragged into this, then I sure as hell aren’t going to let him bother ye.”
“Conall…are ye sure? It’ll be complicated because of work-and ye barely know me.” She gave his hand a squeeze, and looked up at him with those big blue eyes and full kissable lips. “Not to mention this will put me in yer debt for such a bleeding long time, I’ll end up having to permanently move to Dunmuir just so I can walk ye dog.”
“Then it’s a deal. That crazy mutt drives me nuts-and she likes ye. A lot.” He brought their linked hands to his lips, ready to play his part. And though he knew they were doing nothing more than pretending, he couldn’t fully ignore the way his body reacted when she smiled at him.
Maggie leaned in just a little, her curves brushing against his body. “How about we get out of here…’cause ye know, this little deal of ours could be a whole lot of fun.” The way her lips turned up into a sultry smile and her eyes sparkled with mischief, he had no doubt he would thoroughly enjoy himself.
And yet…he should be keeping this relatively professional. It was one thing to hold hands and flirt, and another thing entirely to fall casually into bed with her, and then try to maintain a working relationship when it all went to hell-as it always did.
“Maybe a bit too much fun, aye? But if ye’d like to go, I’m happy to help ye escape.” Now that suited him just fine, since he usually avoided these sorts of gatherings at all cost.
“Too much fun? There’s no such thing.” She went up on her toes to whisper in his ear, so the nearness of her-the way her curves brushed up against him, the way her warm breath on his skin sent a tingle through him-made him want to take her up on whatever it was she was offering. He may not be interested in complicating things between them, but he was no monk.
Yet in the end, logic and reason won out, even if he was sure he’d soon regret his decision when he was home alone. “Let’s just get going. I don’t know that anyone’s buying us as a couple, and I doubt Andrew’s going to stay away long.”
“Maybe this will help convince them.” She knotted her fists around his shirt and pulled him to her, her lips on his in a kiss that left him wanting to haul her to his bed. All coherent thought vanished, so it felt like there was no one in the room but the two of them-and nothing else mattered.
By the time she pulled away, he could barely think straight. “Bloody hell.”
Her lips quirked into a playful smile. “Did ye want to rethink that bit about not having fun?”
“Aye, I may very well.”
After making their escape, he let her talk him into going to the pub for a drink, though he insisted that she first drop off her bike at the cottage. Already dark out, it’d be too easy for her to take a spill with the roads always damp, especially when she was unfamiliar with the twists and turns.
They were down by the port of Dunmuir in no time at all. Though there weren’t many young people who lived in the area, there seemed to be more and more tourists coming to visit since Cat and Iain found the Highlander’s Hope. The one pub in town was busy even for a Friday night, though they managed to find a spot at the bar.
“What will ye have?” Of course, Lara was working, which meant the rumor mill would be churning about him being in Maggie’s company. Well, let them talk. Not like he gave a rat’s arse what they said.
Maggie climbed onto the stool with a smile. “A pint of the black stuff, if ye’d be so kind.”
“And a whisky, Lara. Thanks.” Conall turned towards Maggie and finally took a good look at her, now that he had the chance to do so without Andrew interrupting them.
Up until now, she’d been dressed casually every time he’d seen her, either for work or her run. Tonight, however, she’d set free that gorgeous thick mane, and her blue eyes and full lips were accented just enough to make them sparkle.
Though she was pretty, it was more than that. There was something about her that made people stop and take notice. Perhaps it wasn’t her beauty but rather the fierce intelligence in her eyes. Or maybe the way she always seemed animated-alive with humor and passion, with desire.
And damn…that kiss of hers had left one hell of an impression. Enough so that all kisses from his past and all kisses in his future would now be compared to hers-and would likely fall short. Yet with fire like that, it was far too easy to get burned, to be scarred with wounds that might never heal.
Hadn’t he seen it with his very own father? In love with someone who couldn’t love him back. Sure, he’d gone on to marry his mother afterwards, but it was clear she would never be enough to erase his loss. Of course, his father tried to make it work and he loved his children, but his marriage was doomed to fail. Conall’s mother eventually divorced him, yet another heart broken.
“Are ye all right? Ye’ve gone all quiet on me-and seeing that ye don’t say a whole lot to begin with, ye’ve got me worried.” Her brows had drawn together over her darkened eyes and her full lips were twisted in a pout. “I dated a mime who said more than you do.”
“Funny.” He managed a bit of a smile, trying to set her mind at ease. “So, do ye do many of these jobs on yer own? I can’t imagine it’s the first time ye’ve had to deal with men like Andrew.”
She shrugged with a tilt of her head, so her amber-colored locks fell over her shoulder. “My brother eventually shows up, but ye’d be right. There are far too many arses and clueless men. I do my best to ignore them if at all possible, and I can usually handle myself if things escalate. It’s usually best to avoid letting things get to that stage, though-which is why I truly appreciate yer help.”
“I’ve got a younger sister, aye? I’d hate to think of her in a similar situation and no one willing to help.”
Lara slid their drinks in front of them with a teasing smile, clearly up to no good. “Are ye not going to introduce us to yer lass, Conall? And that being a rare sight. Can’t remember the last time ye brought someone around.”
“Do ye wonder why, Lara? Really?” He knew better than to let her get to him, but after a lifetime of dealing with her, his patience had worn thin. Being of the same age, they’d been in school together since the age of five.
“I’m Maggie-and I take it yer Lara. It’s a pleasure.” Maggie reached out and shook Lara’s hand with a smile before turning back to Conall. “And don’t you know better than to get on the wrong side of the woman who serves the pints in town?”
“I like her, Conall. A lot. She might be just the thing ye need.” And just like a tornado setting down to inflict its damage for a few moments, Lara was off to wreak her havoc elsewhere.
Conall shook his head and took a long draw from his glass, the heat of the whisky melting its way down his throat to his core. And then he noticed Maggie was looking at him with a grin twitching at her lips, refusing to be contained. “What?”
“Ye’re too serious, love. Might have to make it my mission to see ye lighten up and start living yer life to its fullest. Could be the perfect way to pay ye back.” Her eyebrows flicked up with mischief and humor.
“I like my life just the way it is, thank ye very much.” He had to laugh, finding it difficult to stay annoyed when
she was in such a good mood. “Ye do understand that if I wanted my life to be any different, then I’d have changed it, aye?”
“See…already that’s so much better. Ye’ve got a great smile, love. Can’t go blaming a girl for wanting to see it.” She took a long draw from her pint and then turned those ice blue eyes on him, her gaze locked on his. “And I like ye, Conall. A lot. Question is, what are ye going to do about it?”
Bloody hell. He shook his head, another smile on his lips despite himself. “Are ye always this forward?”
“I can be when I find someone I connect with. It doesn’t happen often, mind ye, but if it does, I’m not one to let things pass me by. We only get to live this life once, so we might as well make the best of it.” She gave him another one of her perky smiles before taking another sip of her pint. “I can be patient if ye need more time, though.”
He’d love to take her up on her offer, but…he couldn’t. Women like Maggie were dangerous. Addictive. And he’d gotten burned bad enough to know he should stay away. Not to mention they were working together, and would be for several more months. Things could get uncomfortable if it all went bad. “I’d be a fool to turn ye down, lass. Yet I could do with a wee bit more time, if ye’re offering.”
She looked up at him through thick lashes, the corners of her kissable lips turning up in a smile. “I can live with that, though I’ll tell ye now, I’m not known for my patience.”
“I ne’er would’ve guessed it.”
Chapter Five
Maggie had been running cables and wiring all day long-which also meant she’d been dealing with Andrew. Under normal circumstances, she knew Andrew would likely leave most of the work he’d been doing to his crew, but that wouldn’t afford him enough opportunity to try to wear her down. She’d spent the day trying to be civil with the man, but her patience was wearing thin.